Wednesday, April 8, 2015

5 Spring & Summer Plumbing Tips to Help You Avoid Disaster

Spring and summer are hard seasons on your plumbing system. Sure, you might not have to worry about your pipes freezing like they can in the winter, but think about how much additional stress is placed on your plumbing system when it’s warm out. The sprinklers are running, the swimming pool is getting good use, washing machines are constantly running washing clothes dirtied from outdoor fun, pipes are sweating from condensation in the humidity, garden hoses are being used to wash the cars…the list goes on and on.

With that in mind, there are some simple steps you can take to protect your plumbing and your home during the spring and summer months.

1. Keep an eye on tree roots around your yard-Tree root infiltration into a sewer line can cause backups and catastrophic damage, and this happens far more often than you probably realize. Roots can grow directly into a sewer line. This is most likely to happen during spring and summer, the peak growing seasons. Keep an eye on tree roots around your yard to make sure they aren’t about to infiltrate your plumbing. If you notice an issue, you may need to seek the help of a professional to take care of the tree roots.
2. Have a plumber inspect your sewer line-During the summer, rainfall can enter sewer pipes through various cracks and cause backups in your sewer line and other problems. It’s a good idea to have a professional plumber come out to your house to inspect your sewer line once a year. The plumber will be able to spot potential sewer line issues and recommend a treatment plan to correct them.
3. Look for leaks around the home-There are dozens of spots around your home where water could be leaking without you noticing it. Faucets, showerheads, toilets, washing machine hookups, and other fixtures around your house could have leaks. Even a tiny leak could easily waste 100 gallons of water in a single week, costing you money and possibly even causing damage to your home. Be vigilant!
4. Use your dishwasher instead of washing dishes by hand-Spring and summer are the seasons for cookouts, and cooking out means lots of dishes. Rather than doing those dishes by hand, use your dishwasher. Many of today’s dishwashers are very efficient and can save you a lot of water. In fact, research shows that doing a load of dishes in the dishwasher uses 37% less water than doing them by hand.
5. Check your washing machine carefully-The outdoor season means lots of dirty clothes. Check your washing machine hoses for any cracks, bulges, or other issues. If a hose were to burst, it could cause serious water damage in your home. So, check your washing machine throughout the spring and summer for any problems.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your plumbing system in tiptop condition all spring and summer long!